Coldfusion delete file after download file

Im using cfftp to download files which i parse, then i need to delete the file from the server. Everything i keep doing ends up deleting the entire. Deleting files in php isnt extremely common, but it is sometimes necessary. Deleting multiple files with cffile solutions experts. I gather cffile doesnt allow filename templates like so.

If not an absolute path starting with a drive letter and a colon, or a forward or backward slash, it is relative to the coldfusion. A nice thing to do for your users when having them download large files. If you change the settings, it affects any new log files created but does not affect any existing log files unless you restart coldfusion. Allowing someone to upload a file on to your web server is a. Coldfusion cookbook is a collection of problems and solutions for typical problems you may run across in coldfusion development. Outside of that the code just uses query of query to gather files of a certain age i wont say old, lets be polite and it then loops over them to delete them. It tells the tag to only return files, not subdirectories. Ill point out the type file attribute to cfdirectory. Cfdocs functions coldfusion 8 new functions and tags. I want the files to delete on the form itself and the user staying on the form page. Using the same path and file name that allowed me to get the. I want to delete all files on a directory as a scehduled cleanup function. When i upload files, there are two things i always to before it gets to the action page or code block.

How do i delete a file directly after it has been selected for download. Deleting or moving coldfusions log files server fault. Everything i keep doing ends up deleting the entire directory or just a specific file. Php doesnt have a special undo for what you delete. I hope this is useful for upload multiple files with coldfusion using jquery file upload. In my previous post on creating semisecure file downloads, todd. By default, the maximum file size is set to 5000 so whenever a log file reaches about 5mb, it is archived rotated and by default the last 10 archives are kept in addition to the current log. I have a remove link which has a reference to the below page called redirect delete. Using coldfusion to stream files to the client without loading. If not an absolute path starting with a drive letter and a colon, or a forward or backward slash, it is relative to the coldfusion temporary directory, which is returned by the gettempdirectory function. In the page that deletes the file, add some extra code that uses. Tips for secure file uploads with coldfusion pete freitag. I need the ability to delet a file on the server, using a similar cfm file. In my coldfusion page, i want to allow the user to download the file using the opensave dialog or however that particular browser handles it.

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